A blog for our members to share ideas, exhibitions, artists of interest or a fleeting thought.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crit next week! Bring your own artist or two or few!

Hey guys,

We were talking last meeting about doing a crit where we all share artists that we like/ are influenced by or we think each other will be interested in. So that will be next wed. the 18th at 7. Jerry said he might be able to get a projector, and I just ran into Caleb today who would like to join and may also have a projector (pending a ride!).

Let me know if you guys are interested and if we have a projector I will let you guys know and prob have you email me associated images so I can make a lil presentation. But feel free to bring books, or whatever you have!

~ Danielle

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was to take place this Thursday and thus I accidentally booked the date.

    But please do another one of these next month. This is the particular artistic soil in which I best bloom!


